Recipe: Tasty Roti Poket Ayam Grill

Roti Poket Ayam Grill.

Roti Poket Ayam Grill You can cook Roti Poket Ayam Grill using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Roti Poket Ayam Grill

  1. You need of Roti Pita.
  2. You need of Sayur Salad.
  3. It's of dada ayam (tabur garam & lada hitam).
  4. You need of Tomato.
  5. It's of Timun.
  6. Prepare of Sos Caeser @ Mayonis.

Roti Poket Ayam Grill instructions

  1. Sediakan bahan-bahan. Grill ayam yang telah dilumur garam dan lada hitam atas kuali tanpa minyak. Ketepikan.
  2. Pastikan ayam masak sekata. Sayur dihiris nipis..
  3. Bakar sikit roti pita atas kuali. Tak perlu lama. Cukup hanya 30 saat. Api sederhana. Potong 2 bahagian roti tersebut. Belah tengah roti pita itu..
  4. Masukkan ayam yang telah di grill dan dipotong nipis bersama sayur tadi. Hiaskan dengan sos caeser atau pun mayonis..
  5. Sedia untuk dihidang 😘.

Recipe: Tasty Roti Poket Ayam Grill Recipe: Tasty Roti Poket Ayam Grill Reviewed by subindo drakor gratis on Mei 11, 2020 Rating: 5

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