How to Prepare Appetizing Sirap Laici

Sirap Laici.

Sirap Laici You can cook Sirap Laici using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Sirap Laici

  1. It's of cwn air kosong.
  2. You need of cwn sirap rose f&n.
  3. You need of cwn ais ketul.
  4. It's of biji laici.

Sirap Laici instructions

  1. Masukkan ketulan ais ke dlm gelas @ mug, tuang air kosong.
  2. Tuang sirap, kacau (ikut kemanisan yg kita mahu) dan tambah laici..
  3. Siap untuk dihidangkan..

How to Prepare Appetizing Sirap Laici How to Prepare Appetizing Sirap Laici Reviewed by subindo drakor gratis on Oktober 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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