Recipe: Yummy Cinnamon Vanilla Biscotti

Cinnamon Vanilla Biscotti.

Cinnamon Vanilla Biscotti You can cook Cinnamon Vanilla Biscotti using 12 ingredients and 14 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Cinnamon Vanilla Biscotti

  1. You need 1/2 cup of room temperature unsalted butter.
  2. It's 3/4 cup of sugar.
  3. It's 1 tsp of baking powder.
  4. You need 3/4 tsp of salt.
  5. You need 1 tsp of ground cinnamon.
  6. You need 1 3/4 cup of flour.
  7. Prepare 2 of eggs.
  8. Prepare 3 tsp of vanilla.
  9. It's of Glaze.
  10. It's 5 tsp of hot water.
  11. You need 1 cup of powdered sugar.
  12. It's Dash of cinnamon.

Cinnamon Vanilla Biscotti step by step

  1. In a medium bowl, mix the butter and sugar until combined well.
  2. Meanwhile preheat the oven to 350 F and line a cookie tray with parchment paper.
  3. Add the eggs and mix for 1 minute. Then gently fold in the flour, salt and baking powder..
  4. Add the cinnamon and make swirls in the batter.
  5. Sprinkle some extra flour onto the cookie sheet and place the dough on the sheet forming it into a log. The dough will be sticky so add more flour as needed..
  6. Stretch the dough to the length of the cookie sheet? Cut in half and place side by side..
  7. Shape the edges of the dough so they are straight..
  8. Bake for 30 minutes until light golden brown and firm.
  9. Allow to cool for 10 minutes and drop the temp of the oven to 280 F.
  10. Once cooled, slice the logs thick and diagonally using a serrated knife.
  11. Place cookies on their sides and put back into oven for 10 minutes on each side.
  12. Once baked, allow to cool.
  13. In a small bowl, combine the glaze ingredients and mix until thick.
  14. Once cooled, drizzle glaze over the tops of the biscotti.

Recipe: Yummy Cinnamon Vanilla Biscotti Recipe: Yummy Cinnamon Vanilla Biscotti Reviewed by subindo drakor gratis on Februari 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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