How to Cook Tasty Student chicken biryani #eid special🌼

Student chicken biryani #eid special🌼.

Student chicken biryani #eid special🌼 You can have Student chicken biryani #eid special🌼 using 17 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Student chicken biryani #eid special🌼

  1. Prepare of boil rice.
  2. It's of chicken.
  3. Prepare of chopped potatoes.
  4. Prepare of yogurt.
  5. It's of tamator.
  6. It's of onion.
  7. You need of oil.
  8. You need of mint.
  9. It's of green coriander.
  10. You need of green chlii.
  11. It's of tspKewra essence.
  12. Prepare of garlic.
  13. You need of dired plums.
  14. You need of garam masala.
  15. It's of tspcoriander powder.
  16. You need of chilli powder.
  17. It's of yellow. Colour.

Student chicken biryani #eid special🌼 instructions

  1. Pan lenge us m oil dalenge us m chopeed kiye huye aloo ko add karenge us ko golden browns hoe tak pakhnge ab is aloo ko pan se bahir nikalenge ab isi oil m onion dalenge us ki b golden brown hone tak pakhnge ab is onion ko b bahir nikalwnge phele lasan aur garlic dalenge ab is dalenge chicken is ko tab tak pahnge jab tak is ka color change hojae ab is m dalenge chopped tamator add karenge dired plums salt coriander poder chilli powder add karenge and mix karenge and is m half cup pani add kare.
  2. Karenge and cook on medium flame for 10mints ab add karenge fried aalloo add karenge yogurt garam masala and mix karenge is ko high flame pe cook karenge 5 mint tak ab add karenge gren chilii fired onion and green coriander add karenge aur mint aad karenge flame ko low karenge aur boil kiye huye rice daldenge ab yeloow colour m.pani add karenge aur rice m.add karenge colour kewra essence add karenge aur cover kar ke chor denge 15mints tak on low flame pe to tiyar humari student biryani🌼.

How to Cook Tasty Student chicken biryani #eid special🌼 How to Cook Tasty Student chicken biryani #eid special🌼 Reviewed by subindo drakor gratis on April 30, 2021 Rating: 5

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