Recipe: Perfect Breakfast poached egg toast with avocado cream, salmon and hollandaise

Breakfast poached egg toast with avocado cream, salmon and hollandaise.

Breakfast poached egg toast with avocado cream, salmon and hollandaise You can have Breakfast poached egg toast with avocado cream, salmon and hollandaise using 14 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Breakfast poached egg toast with avocado cream, salmon and hollandaise

  1. You need 2 of Bread slices.
  2. Prepare 2 of Eggs.
  3. Prepare of Salmon to your taste.
  4. Prepare of Avocado cream.
  5. Prepare 1 tbsp of Cream cheese.
  6. Prepare 1/2 of avocado.
  7. You need of 1/2 tbsp Lemon juice.
  8. You need of Salt to the taste.
  9. You need of Pepper to the taste.
  10. Prepare of Hollandaise.
  11. You need 2 of egg yolks.
  12. It's 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard.
  13. Prepare 1/2 tbsp of lemon juice.
  14. It's of 8 tbsp unsalted butter.

Breakfast poached egg toast with avocado cream, salmon and hollandaise step by step

  1. Mix all the ingredients for avocado cream until they’re smooth like paste.
  2. Poach eggs for 3 min in boiling water and in the meantime make toasts.
  3. Mix the ingredients for hollandaise except butter with a blender(I used hand blender) and after all ingredients are cooperated start slowly adding melted butter while still blending.
  4. Assemble your dish starting with covering toasts with avocado spread ☺️.

Recipe: Perfect Breakfast poached egg toast with avocado cream, salmon and hollandaise Recipe: Perfect Breakfast poached egg toast with avocado cream, salmon
and hollandaise Reviewed by subindo drakor gratis on April 10, 2021 Rating: 5

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