Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Ayam Goreng Bawang Putih & Pencicah Ayam

Ayam Goreng Bawang Putih & Pencicah Ayam.

Ayam Goreng Bawang Putih & Pencicah Ayam You can cook Ayam Goreng Bawang Putih & Pencicah Ayam using 17 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Ayam Goreng Bawang Putih & Pencicah Ayam

  1. It's of 🍗Ayam Goreng:.
  2. It's 1/2 of ekor ayam (potong kecil).
  3. Prepare 10 ulas of bawang putih (blend tanpa air).
  4. You need 1 of st garam.
  5. It's 1/2 of st perisa.
  6. Prepare 1 of st serbuk kunyit.
  7. It's 1 of st serbuk cili.
  8. Prepare 1 of st tepung beras.
  9. You need 1 of sb tepung jagung.
  10. You need of 🌶Pencicah.
  11. Prepare 2 of biji cili merah besar.
  12. It's 4 of biji cili kecil merah (lebihkan untuk lebih pedas).
  13. It's 5 of sb cuka.
  14. You need Sedikit of air.
  15. You need 1 1/2 of sb gula.
  16. It's 1 of st garam.
  17. Prepare 1 of sb sos cili.

Ayam Goreng Bawang Putih & Pencicah Ayam instructions

  1. Gaul ayam dengan semua bahan2nya. Kemudian goreng garing..
  2. Blend cili. Tambahkan bahan lain. Kacau rata..
  3. Cicah ayam dgn pencicahnya, dinikmati bersama nasi..
  4. P/s: kalau nak pencicah jadi ala thai, just tambahkan sos ikan dan daun ketumbar..beress.

Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Ayam Goreng Bawang Putih & Pencicah Ayam Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Ayam Goreng Bawang Putih & Pencicah Ayam Reviewed by subindo drakor gratis on Ogos 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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