Recipe: Appetizing Roti Susu Milo Tabur

Roti Susu Milo Tabur.

Roti Susu Milo Tabur You can cook Roti Susu Milo Tabur using 3 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Roti Susu Milo Tabur

  1. It's of Roti putih.
  2. It's of Susu.
  3. Prepare of Milo.

Roti Susu Milo Tabur step by step

  1. Sediakan roti,Milo dan Susu Manis..
  2. Siramkan susu atas roti kemudian tabur Milo...kalau suka boleh ulang siram susu atas Milo untuk Kali ke dua..
  3. Roti Susu Milo Tabur...#StyleAzaAaj is done jemput cuba ya...bukan anak jer yg suka mak2 pun suka...😍😂.

Recipe: Appetizing Roti Susu Milo Tabur Recipe: Appetizing Roti Susu Milo Tabur Reviewed by subindo drakor gratis on September 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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