How to Cook Delicious Mango jelly trifle (Eid special)

Mango jelly trifle (Eid special).

Mango jelly trifle (Eid special) You can cook Mango jelly trifle (Eid special) using 7 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Mango jelly trifle (Eid special)

  1. You need 2 of large mangoes(cubes).
  2. It's 1 of tea cake (slice).
  3. It's 11/2 packet of olpers cream.
  4. You need of 1/2 cup 🍑 peach (optional).
  5. It's of 4 tbsp caster sugar.
  6. You need of Cherry 🍒 for decorating.
  7. It's of 1 packet mango jelly (dissolves in hot water, chill it and make a small cubes).

Mango jelly trifle (Eid special) step by step

  1. Take a bowl add chilled cream with caster sugar and beat for 5 minutes and set in frige..
  2. Now take a bowl set the tea cake layer then add half copped mango 🥭 then add cream and mango jelly, repeat this process again and top set with mangoes and cherries, chill in freezer for 2 to 3 hours in summer..
  3. Mango trifle is ready to serve..

How to Cook Delicious Mango jelly trifle (Eid special) How to Cook Delicious Mango jelly trifle (Eid special) Reviewed by subindo drakor gratis on Mei 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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