Easiest Way to Prepare Appetizing Desi Ghee Ka Suji Wala Halwa❤❤😍😍(Eid Special)

Desi Ghee Ka Suji Wala Halwa❤❤😍😍(Eid Special).

Desi Ghee Ka Suji Wala Halwa❤❤😍😍(Eid Special) You can cook Desi Ghee Ka Suji Wala Halwa❤❤😍😍(Eid Special) using 8 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Desi Ghee Ka Suji Wala Halwa❤❤😍😍(Eid Special)

  1. You need of suji.
  2. You need of desi ghee.
  3. You need of /4 cup water.
  4. You need of sugar.
  5. You need of ALMONDS(SLICED).
  6. You need of cardamom powder.
  7. You need of Meeway.
  8. It's of Garii.

Desi Ghee Ka Suji Wala Halwa❤❤😍😍(Eid Special) step by step

  1. Pour 1¼ cups water in a small saucepan and bring it to boil over medium flame, it will take around 3-4 minutes. Remove it from the flame and keep aside until you reach step-4 below..
  2. Take sooji in a heavy based pan, add ghee and heat it over medium flame..
  3. Stir and mix using spatula..
  4. Roast it until golden-brown. It will take anywhere between 8 to 10 minutes..
  5. Reduce flame to low; slowly add boiled water and mix by stirring constantly (add water only in small incremental quantities because it will splutter as soon as you add it)..
  6. Stir and cook to avoid any lump formation..
  7. Increase flame to medium and cook until all water gets absorbed. Add sugar and cardamom powder..
  8. Stir until sugar dissolves and it has a semi-solid consistency. Add and mix all dry fruits after reserving some of them for garnishing..
  9. The suji halwa is now ready for serving..

Easiest Way to Prepare Appetizing Desi Ghee Ka Suji Wala Halwa❤❤😍😍(Eid Special) Easiest Way to Prepare Appetizing Desi Ghee Ka Suji Wala
Halwa❤❤😍😍(Eid Special) Reviewed by subindo drakor gratis on Mei 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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