How to Cook Delicious Salmon Sashimi Cake

Salmon Sashimi Cake.

Salmon Sashimi Cake You can cook Salmon Sashimi Cake using 6 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Salmon Sashimi Cake

  1. You need 2 cups of cooked sushi rice (room temperature).
  2. Prepare 1 of medium avocado (diced).
  3. You need 1 lbs of sushi grade salmon (or any other fish you like) (diced).
  4. You need 2 of large sheets of roasted seaweed/nori.
  5. You need 1 tbsp of roasted sesame seeds (optional).
  6. It's 1-2 tbsp of fish roe (optional).

Salmon Sashimi Cake step by step

  1. Dice the avocado and the salmon.
  2. Line the round pan with the sheets of seaweed.
  3. Take some rice and spread it evenly as the first base layer - leave some rice for another layer.
  4. Take diced avocado and spread it evenly on top of the rice layer - make sure you leave some avocado as decoration for the top layer.
  5. Take diced salmon and spread it evenly on top of the avocado layer.
  6. Take the rest of your rice and spread it on top of your salmon layer.
  7. Decorate the top of your cake with the rest of your ingredients. You can put some sesame seeds and roe on top as finishing touches.

How to Cook Delicious Salmon Sashimi Cake How to Cook Delicious Salmon Sashimi Cake Reviewed by subindo drakor gratis on Mei 20, 2021 Rating: 5

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