Recipe: Delicious Acqua pazza style salmon

Acqua pazza style salmon.

Acqua pazza style salmon You can cook Acqua pazza style salmon using 13 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Acqua pazza style salmon

  1. You need of ・4 slices(280g) raw salmon fillets.
  2. Prepare of ・Two pinches of salt(three-fingered pinch).
  3. It's of ・A little bit of pepper.
  4. You need of ・200g seafood mix.
  5. You need of ・1/2 onion.
  6. You need of ・1/2 red bell pepper.
  7. It's of ・12 cherry tomatoes.
  8. Prepare of ・2 cloves of garlic.
  9. You need of ・1 tbsp olive oil.
  10. It's of ・150ml white wine.
  11. It's of ・50ml water.
  12. You need of ・1 tbsp lemon juice.
  13. Prepare of ・some parsley.

Acqua pazza style salmon instructions

  1. Finely chop the garlic.Cut the onion and paprika into 1.5cm cubes.Cut the cherry tomatoes in half..
  2. Put olive oil and garlic in a frying pan and heat it over a low heat.When the smell of garlic gets stronger,add onions and paprika and cook on medium heat..
  3. When the onions become translucent and a little soft,add the seafood mix and cherry tomatoes.Mix quickly,and put the salmon on top.Add white wine and water.Cover and steam for about 8 minutes..
  4. When the seafood is cooked,add lemon juice and sprinkle with parsley..

Recipe: Delicious Acqua pazza style salmon Recipe: Delicious Acqua pazza style salmon Reviewed by subindo drakor gratis on Mei 05, 2021 Rating: 5

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