Recipe: Yummy 5 minute Chocolate mug cake (Eggless)

5 minute Chocolate mug cake (Eggless).

5 minute Chocolate mug cake (Eggless) You can have 5 minute Chocolate mug cake (Eggless) using 8 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of 5 minute Chocolate mug cake (Eggless)

  1. Prepare of butter.
  2. You need of cocoa powder/ 1 tbsp chocolate chips.
  3. You need of granulated sugar, to taste.
  4. Prepare of milk.
  5. Prepare of all purpose flour.
  6. Prepare of baking powder.
  7. It's of salt.
  8. You need of Chocolate syrup, for serving (optional).

5 minute Chocolate mug cake (Eggless) step by step

  1. In a mug, melt the butter. (If using chocolate chips, melt it with the butter and do everything else the same but omit the cocoa powder.).
  2. Add in the cocoa powder to the hot butter and mix with a fork till there are no more lumps. (This is called blooming and is done to intensify the flavour of the cocoa powder.).
  3. Next, add in the sugar and mix again then the milk. Mix everything together..
  4. Add in the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly till everything is well combined and a smooth batter forms..
  5. Microwave the mug cake for about a minute or at most 1 minute 10 seconds, depending on how fudgy you like it..
  6. Serve warm with or without chocolate syrup. My previous mug cake can be cooled and frosted and still tastes amazing but this one is best eaten warm. Enjoy!.

Recipe: Yummy 5 minute Chocolate mug cake (Eggless) Recipe: Yummy 5 minute Chocolate mug cake (Eggless) Reviewed by subindo drakor gratis on Mei 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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