Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Sweet Milky Corn with Chocolate (Air Jagung)

Sweet Milky Corn with Chocolate (Air Jagung).

Sweet Milky Corn with Chocolate (Air Jagung) You can have Sweet Milky Corn with Chocolate (Air Jagung) using 6 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Sweet Milky Corn with Chocolate (Air Jagung)

  1. It's of Sudu Pati Jagung (cordial).
  2. You need of Sudu Susu Manis (ikut kemanisan yang suka).
  3. It's of Sirap Coklat (untuk hiasan).
  4. You need of Senduk Ais.
  5. You need of Air panas.
  6. Prepare of Air Sejuk.

Sweet Milky Corn with Chocolate (Air Jagung) instructions

  1. Sediakan Bahan-Bahan.
  2. Masukkan pati Jagung ke dalam Cawan. Kemudian Susu manis.
  3. Masukkan air panas. Kacau sehingga sebati. Tambah air sejuk.
  4. Masukkan ais ke dalam Cawan. Tuang sirap coklat.
  5. Tuang air Jagung yang telah dibancuh tadi. Siap untuk dihidang.

Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Sweet Milky Corn with Chocolate (Air Jagung) Easiest Way to Make Appetizing Sweet Milky Corn with Chocolate (Air
Jagung) Reviewed by subindo drakor gratis on Julai 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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